Monday, January 14, 2013

After The Break: I'm Back.

I could start by telling you every detail of the past several weeks, including how wonderful our holidays were, but I won't. Instead, I'll get straight to the point: We had the best Winter Break ever.

Not only did each of us make it through several weeks without being sick (minus some sniffles and sinus headaches), but we got to spend more time together in the past three weeks than we had in the past three months. And, no, I am not exaggerating.

Some of you know, this break came at the perfect time. I reached my limit last semester and almost gave up. I needed this break in more ways than one...

I'm sorry that I haven't blogged any updates, but to be honest, I stayed off the computer as much as possible. See, the boys think I "do homework" when I'm on the computer. So, I stayed away. I played all sorts of games, read books, watched movies, cleaned house, and reorganized closets, drawers, files... You name it. I'm sure that doesn't sound so fun to many, but surely a few of you can relate to my need to "reorganize" things. It makes me feel put back together and helped me relax over break, which is exactly what I needed. Well, that and time well-spent with the boys...

I don't mean the kind of time where we sit beside each other while each of us does our own thing. No, I mean the kind of time where we give each other our full attention. It was wonderful... Good for my soul... And priceless. Absolutely priceless.

So, now, as we get back in to the swing of our schedule, I am back, feeling stronger and more relaxed than I have in several months. I actually feel prepared again, like I did going into 2012. I feel like myself... Mom, teacher, writer. I even miss my friends and am working on making more of an effort. I'm Aunt, Daughter, Wife, Sister. I'm happy, that's what I am.

All because of some "me time" and time with the boys and hubby. Amazing what a little love can do.

Well, a little love and no work. :)

As far as appointments go, we are heading to Riley on Friday, January 25th for another MRI, test, and appointment -- all in the same day, so we should get results quickly. Keep your fingers crossed and send prayers and positive vibes to Graden. As always, it helps keep us (me) going.

Happy 2013!

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