Monday, June 24, 2013

You can't expect the unexpected.

I've heard the saying "expect the unexpected," but how does that work, really? I mean before Graden's surgery, I may have been preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, wishing and praying for somewhere in the middle - something I could "handle," and I suppose that could qualify as trying to expect the unexpected. But, honestly, I was expecting the "what-ifs" and "unexpected." See, it's tricky.

I didn't want to be too hopeful, too optimistic - I didn't want to be mad or let down if we got bad news.

But, I didn't want to be too worried, too pessimistic either - I didn't want to make myself sick or scare Graden. 

So, I was somewhere in between. I worried every single day, but I was also hopeful, trusting... and I most certainly tried to expect the unexpected. 

What I didn't expect, though, was what was going on before, during, and now after Graden's surgery... 

In addition to Graden's amazing recovery, we have been so blessed, lucky, and surprised by an outpouring of love in so many forms. I've said a thousand times how much I appreciate the words, calls, texts, "likes," mail, gifts for Graden, and other messages, and I do - so very, very much. But, I must tell you that we've received so much more than that. Can you believe we've been given over $10,000 in the past few months? 

Yes, that said $10,000.

I won't go into publicly thanking each and every person (we don't even know everyone who has given - thanks to our anonymous friends!), because some gifts have been given privately, but here - publicly, I will say that Phil and I never expected this "unexpected" mass of caring. It's been the most overwhelming thing that has ever happened to us...

With these gifts, along with selling our house and living with my in-laws, we have been able to successfully pay ALL of Graden's previous medical bills, which included $2,000 to Riley. So, when we went to Riley on June 10th, we owed them $0. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I can't even begin to write about what that feels like, because it is truly indescribable. 

Every single penny that has been given in Graden's name has been used for Graden and him alone. We even have a little left, sitting in an account, waiting for the next doctor bill to roll in... Of course, we do have "standing accounts" at a few places in town, but the bulk of the debt is gone. It feels surreal even typing that statement. Gone. They are gone. :)

Amazing. Our friends and family are amazing. I'm good with words, and yet there are days when I cannot find the right ones... Today is one of those days. It's a rare - VERY RARE - occasion when I'm speechless. :)

Why do I want to blog about this today? Well, in addition to publicly thanking those who have supported us financially, I wanted to acknowledge another group of people: our church family. 

On June 9th, our church, Zion Lutheran in Woodburn, held a special prayer for Graden. A few weeks prior, we had been approached about allowing a group to host a benefit dinner for Graden. Hesitantly, we considered, we talked, we thought, we prayed, and we finally decided to allow others to help as they saw fit. We had been reminded on so many occasions that Graden didn't just touch our lives -- he touches the lives of so manyGradually, though, leading up to the 9th, we began receiving gifts. On the 9th, we received more. And, when we came home, we had the anonymous check for $2,000 in our stack of mail, and it was the icing on the cake. 

So, as much as we appreciate the group so willing to plan a benefit to help us, this weekend, we had to ask them to place it on hold. We don't want to discourage their efforts, especially those who have asked how they could help who are not able to help financially. Please know, you've already helped so much. It may sound silly to some, but the gesture and thoughts mean just as much as the money! Honestly. Not to mention that there are others in our church who may also be needing assistance soon. 

Every day is easier because of you. You have helped us eliminate a huge financial burden and begin again... because of your kindness, generosity, and compassion, we have been able to pay debts and get ourselves organized and ready to tackle the next set of obstacles that come our way.

It was not an easy decision because we may need help as soon as we get the bills from surgery in the mail. :) But, we are content and confident that we're in a much better place to address and pay those new bills. We couldn't allow a benefit to happen when we had so graciously been given these unexpected monetary gifts. 

Graden still has a long road ahead of him; in fact, just today we began our first of many follow-up visits. We have several tests and appointments between now and August. We don't know which way his journey is going, but Phil and I are stronger than we've ever been - in more ways than one. We've grown as a family, also in so many ways, and I know that we are surrounded by the best support system anyone could possibly have. It's because of all of this that I don't expect the unexpected. I can't. There's no way I could have ever prepared for any of the things 2013 has brought. Instead, I'll just tackle things as they come, knowing that the one thing I can expect is the constant support, love, encouragement, and compassion from our friends and family. 

Thank you!

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