Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2 Tough Boys, 1 Tired Momma, and A Little Bit of "Catch-Up"...

Landen asked me this morning why Daddy had to work every single day. I told him that was how we got money for groceries, birthday presents, and clothes. Landen, after thinking for a minute, replied, "Well, I don't like clothes, so he can stay home more now." :) Such a smarty pants! Little does he know that Daddy also works to pay for his house, the utilities, and loads of doctors' bills, but I left the boring stuff out. :)

Last week was a whirlwind of activities! The overlap of sports has begun. Landen is playing Wildcat (on the days it is under 100 degrees!), and Graden has started Basketball through Parks & Rec. On top of that, we had VBS and were constantly coming and going. Then, on Friday, we got to move one of my very best friends into her new home! Needless to say, we were with her and her awesome family the entire weekend... it was worth every minute away from our home to help get them settled. It's been like six years - I think - since they lived in Fort Wayne... it's exciting having them so close again -- for selfish reasons, of course. :)

Yesterday, Landen woke up all stuffed up. I'm not sure if it's because of the heat, allergies, or a real cold. His body is yelling at him, though. He told twice last week that he needed his medicine -- AND A NAP! He never, and I mean NEVER, asks for his medicine, let alone a nap! So, when he told me he didn't feel good yesterday, I worried a bit. He laid around all day yesterday and watched movies. Today, he feels about the same. I gave him his medicine, and decided to keep him inside again today... he just can't breathe well in this heat. At his check-up last week, his Allergist/Asthma Doc said it was time to start allergy shots... we have tried everything else, and he keeps gaining allergies. So, we will be starting these in a week or so. For now, we wait for their call.

Speaking of calls -- yesterday, we got a call from Riley's Children's Hospital. We will see a Pediatric Neurosurgeon on AUGUST 1st! Can you believe that? We thought we would have to wait much longer to be seen and are so thankful for the appointment. I have been "dealing with" Graden's last appointment with more ease than I had anticipated; however, with the new date set, even though I know it's a consultation, I feel a bit of that ease sliding away, being replaced by worry. Try as I might, I know the next two weeks will be trying on me. Thankfully, I am busy with projects, school planning, and the boys. :)

Keep cool out there!

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