Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day!

This year, we aren't celebrating 4th of July like we normally would -- hanging out with family, laughing at old "4th of July weekend" memories, remembering to be thankful for our freedom, cooking out, and celebrating with fireworks. No, this year, is different.

For starters, Phil is working today. At first, I wasn't happy about this.Then, I realized that we just had a week off for vacation, and I should be thankful he has a job. Plus, it's so hot outside (108 with the heat index today!) that I have to keep Landen inside anyway. So, the boys and I are chillin' today -- literally. 

As soon as we got up, we went for a walk. Mind you, this was before 8:00 am, and it was already 80 degrees! The boys didn't care about sweating; they loved being outside for a bit on their bikes. A perfect start to the 4th! 

Now, as they're playing with every toy they own in my living room, and I'm wishing Phil a fast day at work (I've already sent him two texts to remind him to take breaks in the shade and drink water), I remember that the 4th of July is actually "Independence Day," yet we rarely call it that.

Independence. Yes. Freedom. Yes. After my trip to Jamaica last week, seeing families live in one room shacks that are only a few feet bigger than an outhouse, I am extra thankful and appreciative of my freedom here in USA. I'm sure this may sound silly coming from me, and I realize there are people here in the US that live in shacks, too. I know this is not a topic I would usually discuss; however, I have uncles and cousins who have been in the military or who are joining as we speak. I also have two boys that may enlist someday (I'll save those worries for another post), and whether or not I like the government or agree/disagree with war, I sure as hell support those troops... all of them -- Marines, Army, National Guards, Coast Guards, Navy Seals, Air Force...

And, here I am invoking my right to free speech, because of the fight from other men and women. Men and women I don't even know! It's amazing if you stop and think about it... people who don't even know each other fighting for each other... So, thank you soldiers, both young and old, past, present, and future, for protecting the US, my family, and my freedom. Happy Independence Day! 

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