Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Therapy Begins.

Before I update you on Graden's newest task, I want to give a "shout out" to the people at Lutheran Hospital Outpatient Rehab. Two of the ladies that work as Speech Pathologists (maybe therapists - I always get them flip-flopped) gave Graden his Swallow Study test a month or so ago, and (I said it then, but I'll say it again) they were amazing. I've never had someone (in all our test-taking) explain to me so efficiently what they were doing while they were doing it. They were honest, friendly, and wonderful at their jobs.

None of those qualities changed when we visited yet a 3rd lady, who was recommended by our friend M (who also works with these ladies but is on maternity leave) and who is now Graden's Speech Therapist (or maybe Pathologist is her title... goodness, I need to find out). Instantly, she was addressing me but engaging Graden. She made sure both of us understood and felt comfortable with our new therapy procedures.

Can I just say right now that one of the best qualities of any medical personnel is to be confident in their work? Not the overly confident that borders arrogance... No, the confidence that would tell you they know what they're doing and if it doesn't work, they'll try something new or find someone who can help. Yep, that confidence works best for me. I'm sure if you skim previous blog posts, you will see that I've said it before.

So, our therapist taught Graden 4 exercises that he will now do 3-4 times a day, every day. We will check in with her each week to make sure he's doing them and that he doesn't become hoarse. It sounds like a lot, and, at first, I was worried. But, he's already started today and knows that if he does them right and they work, he won't have to use his "medicine" in his liquids anymore. :)

Originally, I thought we would be driving out to Lutheran several times a week, so I am quite thankful that we can do this on our own. I just hope Graden continues to be a good patient for his Mom. (We all know he can be quite the stinker!)

The therapist didn't seem positive or negative, which worried me at first, but now I realize I'm thankful. She was straight to the point -- we have to do this, and we have to do it right. Apparently (as my medical education continues), there are very few "tricks" to strengthening the muscles Graden needs help with, so it's more about frequency than duration. Meaning -- we do them a 3-4 times a day for a few minutes instead of once a day for 20 minutes. My theory? Whatever the heck works!

We go back next Tuesday to check in; please keep him in your thoughts. We have a few months, when we do a new Swallow Study, before we'll know if we're in the clear.

Additionally, his Neurologist wants to follow up with a Sleep Study to check his other brain concerns to see if they're changing/being affected while he sleeps. Did I mention his last test showed a bit more "seizure activity"? However, they want us to get through therapy first so nothing throws the test off. Fine by me -- one thing at a time.

Either way, Grado was a trooper yesterday and did everything she asked. Let's hope this little guy can keep it up!


In other news, we are all moved in to the in-laws' basement. We are comfortable and the boys are adjusting quickly. We have a few random things in the attic and closets at the old house, but we'll get them when it's warmer. Moving in the snow is ridiculous. :)

Hey, do you know anyone who wants to buy a 3-bedroom ranch? :)

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