Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Family... Friends Forever

This morning, my sister-in-law, who also happens to be one of my closest friends, updated her Facebook status to read:

Even with a very early start to my morning....today is and will be a good day, just another day in paradise that I wouldn't trade for anything. :)

It made me smile, so I clicked the obligatory "like," and paused as I reread it. It struck a cord with me. This status is very typical of her outlook on life... laid-back, positive, with an "it could always be worse" attitude.

Honestly, I wish I could have more of her patience, her good vibes, her ability to calm those around her just by being in the same room... But, mostly, her ability to push worry aside and focus on the important things. 

Now, don't get me wrong... I've seen her upset, sad, and mad, but it's just not very common. And, when she has those brief moments of bad feelings, they pass as quickly as they come on.

So, why am I writing about my dear sister-in-law on my family blog? 

Because she is my family. My family is full of people like her. In fact, I married in to a family full of people with similar attitudes. In my own immediate family, I have another sister-in-law who is another one of my closest friends, and I even love her sister and their family. 

I have aunts, uncles, and cousins by the loads -- each of them a constant in my life; even as we grow older and get busier, we still manage to connect.

I've always known I've had the best dad; that's no secret if you've known me for a long time. I have an amazing step mom, mother-in-law (yep, I said - I love my mother-in-law!), and a father-in-law who is just as laid-back and happy as my hubby.

Some would say I'm lucky to love my step-family or my in-laws, to love my brother's wife, or my sister's husband. 

I would say I'm blessed. 

It is these people -- these family members -- who help me, Phil, Landen, and Grado on a regular basis. I doubt they even realize how often they've been there for us -- not just in the big ways, but in the small ways, too. 

We are a close family -- always have been, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't forget it. Sure, I'm lucky, but I'm so very, very blessed. So, today, I publicly thank my siblings and their spouses -- on both sides, "step-siblings" and all, my in-laws, my dad and step mom, my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents...  without you, our lives would not be the same. At all.

I leave you with the wise words of my sister-in-law... 

Even with __(fill in the blank)___ ....today is and will be a good day, just another day in paradise that I wouldn't trade for anything. :)

Love you, K :)

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