Friday, April 12, 2013

He finally asked the question...

Today, I brought Graden with me to work.

Before we headed into class, we needed to drop Landen off to catch the bus. As is usual for our Friday mornings, we were singing along with the radio (thus, my Facebook status about "gettin' jiggy wit it") and enjoying our morning commute. :)

Out of nowhere, Graden asked, "Why do I have to have surgery on my special brain, Mom?"
Before I could answer, Landen followed with, "How do they get to his brain?"

Without missing a beat, trying to think fast and carefully, I offered the following:

"Remember when you had your test in the big, circle machine (the MRI)?" Graden quietly confirmed with an "Uh-huh." "Well," I continued, "they gave you medicine to help you get really sleepy so you wouldn't get hurt or feel anything." Graden again confirmed, "Uh-hmm."

I could feel both boys staring at me, so I went further. "They'll give you that medicine again. You'll be asleep and they'll cut open the back of your head to see your special brain."

After another pause, and still feeling both boys watching me, I continued with my explanation. "The doctors want to see if they can fix the broken piece in your brain so it can work better."

While I was considering what to say next or if I should even say more, Landen tilted his head and asked, "How will they close it when they're done?"

"I'm sure they'll stitch it up." Hoping that was enough for him, I peeked in the rearview mirror to see how Grado was taking this all in...

After a few minutes of listening to a new song, he, very seriously, asked, "Will my brain still be special?"

"Oh, yes! Your brain will always be special."

"Well, okay." Graden said, nodding approval and moving on to the beat of the next song.


I share this because I thought it was amazing that Graden is not scared of being "cut open." He was more concerned about being exactly as he is now... special.

His comments, his focus, reminded me that I, too, should be focused on how special he is and will be... before and after this surgery.

So, today, my worries feel lighter somehow as my ornery, honest Grado teaches his Momma a thing or two. :)

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