Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I did not mean to let three weeks pass before a post; my apologies.

Somehow, school (reading, writing, researching, grading...), laundry, organizing (cleaning, moving, unpacking), appointment-going, and flu-fighting (among many other things) stole me from you briefly.

Allow me to catch you up on our lives.

Our house, you ask? It's for sale. Still. Yes, I know... it's only been a few months. But, it's beginning (Who am I kidding? It did from the start) to drive me crazy. We just want it sold. No, we need it sold. No, you don't have to buy it, but I sure hope someone does. :)Soon. Our realtor - God love him - works hard; we are so lucky to have him!

The hubby, Landen, and I have all managed to be sick. Landen is doing much better since my last update and is currently enjoying his spring break. The hubby and I had a 24-hour flu, which was a nightmare. How is it that we manage to get the boys flu shots and forget about ourselves? Note to self for next year: get that flu shot!

Graden - knock on wood - has managed to stay healthy.

Since my last post on March 14th, though, G has had six doctor's appointments, some blood work, swallow therapy, a neuropyschology test, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something... all of these things followed the sleep study and the V-EEG. Tough kid. Stressed Mom.

We have been using the BiPAP machine, and it seems to be helping him sleep a bit better - although, there are still nights...

We haven't heard back from the bloodwork, which usually means it's okay. Maybe I'll call them today...

We received news from the Neuropsychologist yesterday. The good news is there are no concerns cognitively. (Duh. I knew he was smart.) :) 

The not-so-good news is that there are still concerns about his attention and impulse -- side effects from his brain defect, although the same could probably be said about me. Ha!

We will be meeting a therapist soon to work on "things." They seem hopeful that we can work on preparing him for the school setting... Can you believe my baby will be in Kindergarten in August and SIX YEARS OLD in November? Whew!

The biggest stressor has been the anticipation of Friday's appointment at Riley. We thought we sort of knew what to expect (how's that for confidence?), but so much has happened since our last visit -- three long months ago. Graden has had so many tests and new developments...

I'm just going to put it out there: We are worried. I am worried. Graden is... well, Graden isn't. He's his usual witty, energetic self. Thankfully. But, this time, that doesn't make it any easier.

I can't help feeling like I'm not doing enough. I want to handle it for Graden, carry the burden, the weight. I want to control it. To fix it.

But, I can't.

I hear myself making excuses. I try to be so patient, but I am not. I want answers. I try to explain what the doctors, nurses, and specialists say, what the tests results mean, but I can't. I can't stress the urgency in their voices to my family, my friends, Graden's friends. I hear myself downplaying, hoping with others, but I worry myself sick. Literally. He has obstacles, challenges. I see them. Every day, I see him struggle.

But, I can't fix it.

I try so hard to live "normally." I want him to play and just go about his childhood, and he does, but he's different. Every child is different (boy have I learned that!), and different is okay. Good, even. Graden, and his special-brain as we have all started calling it, is a "normal," ornery, little five-year-old who still gets in trouble for peeing on the toilet seat, sneaking a fruit snack, or not sharing with his brother. Honestly, those moments may drive me nuts, but I'm so grateful for them... they make us "normal." Right?

And, so, while I work through my own issues, I'll say this again (my fault, not yours) - I miss my friends, and I'm sorry I come and go. I will get better. I will. Thank you for continuing to ask me to do things even if I repeatedly cannot join you. Please know that there are just days, weeks that go by before I even realize that I haven't blogged, responded to an email or text, or called to make plans. Time is not something that has been on my side this past year.

Yet another thing I cannot control. :)

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